
Prezzo web
€ 235,00
CODICI COD. 40213 | MOD. 682-MC | Colore : 蓝色

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€ 235,00

緊湊型雙折卡片和硬幣卵石紋理皮革錢包 - 佛羅倫薩製造

考慮到當今的喧囂,並保持簡單和輕便,獨特的設計讓位於節省空間且實用的緊湊型雙折皮革皮夾。連結按扣打開後,露出一系列卡槽和纖巧的鈔票隔層,而外部可擴展口袋可以存放您的零錢,甚至可以隱藏額外的房門鑰匙。卵石紋 Mammut 小牛皮上添加了金色金屬配件和標誌性 PT 徽標,為這款皮革錢包增添了一抹精緻氣息。值得注意的是,只有工匠手工縫製的配件才能展現出對細節和品質的關注。

採用環保植鞣方法手工製作,使皮革具有環境永續性且低過敏性。所使用的材料均為最高品質,100% 義大利產,源自托斯卡納。每件產品均由工匠手工製作,在義大利製造負責任的非工業流程方面都是獨一無二的作品。

Peso : 15 g
Altezza 9.3 cm
Larghezza 10.5 cm
Profondità 3.0 cm
Pierotucci offers free shipping world wide for purchases over €275.00 when you choose regular airmail.
Express shipping costs may vary from Country to Country, check the  shipping cost page www.pierotucci.com/en/leather-factory/57-shipping-costs-custom-tax.html
You can notify us by e-mail to request an exchange or return of the goods within 10 days from the date of receipt of the item for the following reasons: defect, wrong size.
Contact our customer service department by e-mail (
[email protected]) indicating the order number, item code and reason for replacement/refund. Pierotucci staff will contact you providing all instructions for proceeding with the replacement or refund.
For more information please see EXCHANGE AND RETURN POLICY
Pierotucci offers the possibility of elegant gift wrap .
Once you have selected your handcrafted leather goods you will have the opportunity to gift wrap it with a crisp monotone wrapping paper inspired from the antique Florence tradition, (three colors: blue, red, green) sealed with a cream colored satin ribbon, a combination that is pleasing to the eye in both its simplicity and its uniqueness.
Genuine Italian leather does not fear the test of time and use. The older it gets, the more beautiful it becomes. To accompany its changes and allow it to last even longer, follow these tips
Pierotucci provides assistance 7 days a week , ways to contact us are as follows::
By e-mail at [email protected] .
Through our chat present on the site.
Through our page Facebook by sending us a message
Through the support form on our page contatti or give us a call +39 055641143.

Mammut Calfskin
Made in Italy

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