PAYMENT METHODS offers maximum security on every purchase
Regarding online payment with a credit card, uses the encryption process “Secure Sockets Layering” (SSL) during the purchasing phase. SSL provides the utmost security in transmitting your credit card data through the internet. No bank data is gathered or retained by The information is sent directly to a qualified banking institution (Deutsche Bank Payment Gateway, Paypal). The ONLY information we keep on file and we share with our courier is the necessary data to complete the shipping of the order (shipping address, phone, e-mail). is always on the alert for online fraud and its prevention, and protects all of its clients, adhering to the most important security protocols available on the web. For this reason, has been a long-time member of the Verified by Visa and Securecode by Mastercard circuits. These two security protocols guarantee both merchant (us) and client (you) an absolutely secure transaction thanks to the added safety parameter of inserting a personal password created by the cardholder (at the time of purchase) and known only by the cardholder.
The following information will be necessary at the time of purchase:
- Credit card number
- Expiration Date
- CVV2 or CVC2 security number
- Name as written on the card
- VISA or Mastercard password (if your card adheres to Verified by Visa or Securecode by Mastercard)
Credit card payment accepts payment with the following credit cards: VISA, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, UnionPay and Diners Club through the Deutsche Bank secure online server. In the payment phase of your order, you will be redirected by the Deutsche Bank gateway server “Consorzio Triveneto Secure Server” which, thanks to a Verisign-certified System, receives and processes the inserted credit card information therefore establishing your credit card information as unobtainable and will NOT be able to see your credit card information. It will be the bank’s duty to communicate to us the results of payment for the transaction – positive (OK) or negative (KO).
PayPal payment looks to offer the most ideal method of payment for its clients in order to always ensure every transaction is secure, simple, and fast. For this reason, during the check out phase, you are also able to select Paypal as an alternative system for payment. Thanks to its simplicity, ease of use, and security, Paypal has over 60 million users online throughout the world. For more information on Paypal, click here!
Currency is an Italian business company, owned and operated in Italy, and therefore has the EURO as its official currency. The currency exchange indicated on the product pages is information retrieved online at the moment of purchase and is subject to change at that moment according to the banking institution(s). Therefore, cannot assume any responsibility regarding the exchange rate during the transaction, which depends on external factors beyond our control.
Bank Transfer Details
Here below is the information for a "bank transfer" to Pierotucci S.r.l.
Beneficiary: Pierotucci s.r.l
Beneficiary Address: Via Lungo L'Ema 17, Bagno a Ripoli 50015, Firenze, Italy
Bank Name: Credem Banca S6.6
Bank Address: Firenze, Viale Europa 126
IBAN: IT86P03032 02805 01 000 000 1300